Swarit's Wall

Chess state champion, coder/gamedev, musician, singer, and everythin in between!

Make your own blog with Deno & Deno Deploy!

Hi guys! I will teach you how to make a blog with a simple deno script (only 14 lines of code!!!) and deploy it with deno deploy (completely free btw). What will the finished result look like??? It will look like this blog website itself!

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Happy Diwali! Here Are Somethings You Can Do As a Dev

Happy Diwali! Whether you don't celebrate this holiday, you can still celebrate it with many things to do if you are a developer!

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The Cover Story, BellaBot

So, Robots have come to the point where they are stealing manual and expressive jobs such as a restuaraunt waiter. The robot, "BellaBot" made by Pudu

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Happy Father's Day! 🕴

Hello and happy fathers day! 🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴✌✌✌✌✌✌

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Github Maintainer Month

Hello, This month on github is maintainer month! What is maintainer month? Well, maintainer month is a month to give gratitude to all those people who make sure their open source software is maintained and it does not crash! But we all know that it can be a hard job especially with family and personal life! It can be a very stressful job at times! Maintainer month is organized by Github and is an month full of activities, you can see more on their website: https://maintainermonth.github.com/ So, what can you do about it? You can do the following:

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Fireworks dependencies and security update!

Hello, I have updated the fireworks dependency(an opensource project I have been working on here: https://github.com/SwiftyProgrammer690/fireworks) to have a lot of security! This includes:

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