The Cover Story, BellaBot

By Swarit Choudhari at

So, Robots have come to the point where they are stealing manual and expressive jobs such as a restuaraunt waiter. The robot, "BellaBot" made by Pudu

BellaBot is a robot waiter that can take orders, give back orders, clean dirty dishes, and even do cheques! It's also a pretty cute cat robot if you ask me...


Bellabot was made for restaraunts that specialize in asian foods such as dumplings. Accoring to CNN10's video, BellaBot can hold up to 38 bamboo steamers compared to a professianal waiter's 12 bamboo steamers. In a competition that CNN10 held that was BellaBot vs. a professional human waiter (8 years of experience), the human won 3 - 1. But in 10 years, things might be changed.

Robots and AI are constantly improved with the time progressing. According to The Motley Fool's post, it states that, "The government agency reasons that automation or other efficiency gains through technology will contribute to employment declines in 19 out of the 30 occupations it estimates will have the largest decline in employment over the next decade.", that is equivalent to "a decrease about the size of Atlanta's population".

AI is also on the verge on taking other careers too! To find more about this topic, Google it!

Here are some of the jobs that will be taken by robots! Try to notice a theme with them too!

  • Fast Food Chef
  • Proofreaders (#GrammarlyalreadytookthisoneIthink)
  • Factory/Manufacturing jobs

If you didn't notice the theme already, these jobs will be taken because they are either manual or do not require a lot of skill!

That sums up todays cover story! And, keep your job safe!