Github Maintainer Month

By Swarit Choudhari at

Hello, This month on github is maintainer month! What is maintainer month? Well, maintainer month is a month to give gratitude to all those people who make sure their open source software is maintained and it does not crash! But we all know that it can be a hard job especially with family and personal life! It can be a very stressful job at times! Maintainer month is organized by Github and is an month full of activities, you can see more on their website: So, what can you do about it? You can do the following:

• Contribute to the github maintainer month repository! • Go to the maintainer month page! • Post updates on social media • Make events, maintainer month is not owned by somebody... • Streaming live on twitch

An many, many more things! I hope you enjoyed this blog post and will see you in the next one! Bye!